Image editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Gimp and Microsoft Digital Image Suite offer a wide range of tools that can be used to create beautiful photographs, many of those tools and the effects they crete originated in the world of film photography. One such tool effect is the Orton Effect.
The Orton Effect is named after Michael Orton who first used the technique is a sandwich of two images, one in focus the other out of focus. Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant have both used the technique successfully in their work as well.
The Orton image has traditionally been done using slide film with the first, sharp, image overexposed by two stops and the second, out of focus image, over exposed by one stop. It is important to use a tripod for this type of work to ensure your photographic elements remain in register on the film. The shots were then sandwiched together in single slide mount to produce a beautiful, impressionistic image. We are beyond that now and with so many things in the world of digital photography, we can now duplicate the same effect in multiple ways.
For purists, you can use the same technique as with film, two images, overexposed the same way, and in your image editing program place your out of focus image on tip of your in focus image as a layer and choose multiply as your blending mode. Of course this means always taking at least two images of your scene and always using a tripod. Another method is to use a single image a create a layer, now opening up the effect to any image you have in your collection.
I will be using the new Adobe Elements 5 for this tutorial and a photo of a Wake-Robin I shot this past spring..
- Open your image (Image 1)
- Duplicate the background layer (Right click on the background layer and choose duplicate) and name that layer Sharp
- Create another duplicate of the background layer.
- Change the Blending mode of the Sharp Copy to screen
- With the Sharp Copy layer selected, right click and choose Merge Down (Image 2)
- Right click on the Sharp layer, choose Duplicate and name this layer Out of Focus
- On the Filter Menu, choose Blur – Gaussian Blur (Image 3)
Depending on the resolution of the image you are using, the amount of blue needed will change. Use enough that the shapes are still visible, but detail is not. For this 6.1 Megapixel image, a value of 15.9 was sufficient. - Change the blending mode of the Out Of Focus layer to Multiply. (Image 4)
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Final image including levels adjustment and cropping
Once you are complete, you may find it necessary to adjust the opacity of your Out of Focus layer and/or apply a levels (or curves) adjustment layer to the Sharp layer if some tweaking is necessary.You can also adjust the amount of blur you apply to the out of focus image, as well as adjustments such as level, brightness and contrast and it is good practice to apply sharpening to your image Sharp layer. (Image 5)
Not all images work well with this effect, but digital photography makes it easier to try it out on wide range of photos. I have included a few examples here of other photos with the Orton Effect applied, though the effect is lost on the small images. You can view another on my personal site, or view the Orton group.
Until next time, happy shooting.
The digital photography tip of the week is written by the PCIN Assistant Editor, Chris Empey. Chris is a long time photographer and is currently the President of the Niagara Falls Camera Club. You can see more of his photography at his Photo of the Day website.
If you have a tip to send Chris, or a question about digital photography he can address in the newsletter, send it to
[…] how to create it. If you want to learn a little more about the background of this technique THIS is a good read. There is also a tutorial on how to do this for Photoshop Elements (which I […]
[…] the grand canyon. The dreamy effect was enhanced using The Orton Effect. Thanks for the tip […]
[…] hamal und duwa Image by wan fauzan taken at grill party at dokuzentrum nürnberg.… […]
[…] Orton? Thanks, yer ol see dog. Orton effect, a transparency combining sharpness and Gaussian. Orton effect […]
[…] I carried out on my images. The editing process is consistent throughout, whereby I apply the Orton Effect, and then experimented with the levels to highlight some darker features that the multiply blending […]
[…] is the tutorial I recommend most to replicate the Orton Effect with Photoshop. I think it is very easy to overuse […]
A very similar effect could be produced in b&w printing by putting a piece of woman’s stocking under the enlarging lens. That goes back to…..
Really love the effect & look forward to new tutorials.thanx
[…] There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on how to get this effect. I’ve tried this one. […]
[…] Orton Effect Image by Gallery32/ Trina Baker Using a photoshop version of The Orton Effect I have altered this photo to give it a softer, dreamy […]
[…] This is Aron. He played on my team when I was in Tromsø. On a trip with the team I took this photo of him. You might notice that this picture has been edited a bit. The main effect used in this photo is the orton effect. […]
[…] Effect) Image by NCBrian This photo was modified from its original state through the use of the Orton Effect. This effect through use of blurring and exposure settings creates a dreamlike […]
[…] There are plenty of tutorials on the internet on how to get this effect. I’ve tried this one. […]
[…] flickr and saw this on my contacts photo searched Google for Orton Effect and clicked the first link and read down in the comments I took a look at this flickr set I decided Picasa was easier for now […]
I tried this in Xara Designer Pro, but any version with the photo enhancing tool would do it. Two copies of same pic overlaid, then using photo tool, blurred one, sharpened the other, layered them and fiddled with degrees of transparency. Found best to put sharp one on top, so far. Easy to do, and fun results.
[…] This is a portrait of my mother taken for a digital photography class. I took the class because I admire the professor and I knew there would be some challenging assignments. I used a warm yellow gradient on the left side and a cool blue gradient on the right side, to emphasize the light and shadow. I also used an "orton" effect, and then selectively eliminated it to leave some areas sharp. My mother is 88 years old, and has had an amazing, productive, and spiritual life. Yes, and beautiful on the inside as well. Here are a couple of links to "how-to"s on the Orton effect.… […]
[…] flickr and saw this on my contacts photo searched Google for Orton Effect andclicked the first link and read down in the comments I took a look at this flickr setI decided Picasa was easier for now […]
[…] option in Picasa (see pic below). Not entirely sure who or what this Orton effect was all about, I learned it was named for Michael Orton who would combine 2 images: one in focus and the other out-of-focus […]
[…] My Mother, old and beautiful Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton This is a portrait of my mother taken for a digital photography class. I took the class because I admire the professor and I knew there would be some challenging assignments. I used a warm yellow gradient on the left side and a cool blue gradient on the right side, to emphasize the light and shadow. I also used an "orton" effect, and then selectively eliminated it to leave some areas sharp. My mother is 88 years old, and has had an amazing, productive, and spiritual life. Yes, and beautiful on the inside as well. Here are a couple of links to "how-to"s on the Orton effect.… […]
[…] Effect) Image by NCBrian This photo was modified from its original state through the use of the Orton Effect. This effect through use of blurring and exposure settings creates a dreamlike […]
[…] 1: Follow Wilson’s steps to apply the “Orton Effect” to one of your […]
[…] Thanks to twnklmoon for turning me on to the Orton Effect. […]
[…] My Mother, old and beautiful Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton This is a portrait of my mother taken for a digital photography class. I took the class because I admire the professor and I knew there would be some challenging assignments. I used a warm yellow gradient on the left side and a cool blue gradient on the right side, to emphasize the light and shadow. I also used an "orton" effect, and then selectively eliminated it to leave some areas sharp. My mother is 88 years old, and has had an amazing, productive, and spiritual life. Yes, and beautiful on the inside as well. Here are a couple of links to "how-to"s on the Orton effect.… […]
[…] The Orton Effect – Digital Photography Tip of the Week | Update __________________ Olympus user, Fuji E900, a canon, Nikon & last but not least a Minolta 35mm and some really old large format box cameras.Not to mention a whole bunch of other stuff. , CS6, Portrait Professional, Topaz Adjust,OnOne, Nik Efex, Silver Efex and the list goes on…….. Facebook […]
[…] the subject acceptably sharp surrounded by a soft glow. [Here's a link to one 'How-To' Orton Effect tutorial (overlook the egregious […]
[…] I used this tutorial:… […]
[…] Effect) Image by NCBrian This photo was modified from its original state through the use of the Orton Effect. This effect through use of blurring and exposure settings creates a dreamlike […]
[…] 500CM, Kodak Portra 160VC and an Orton effect. Best viewed large and on […]
[…] My Mother, old and beautiful Image by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton This is a portrait of my mother taken for a digital photography class. I took the class because I admire the professor and I knew there would be some challenging assignments. I used a warm yellow gradient on the left side and a cool blue gradient on the right side, to emphasize the light and shadow. I also used an "orton" effect, and then selectively eliminated it to leave some areas sharp. My mother is 88 years old, and has had an amazing, productive, and spiritual life. Yes, and beautiful on the inside as well. Here are a couple of links to "how-to"s on the Orton effect.… […]
[…] This look, called the Orton Effect, was named after Michael Orton a photographer who was the first to use this technique by merging two images together; one in focus the other out of focus. Michael pioneered this method before the days of Photoshop. He originally used slide film to get his results. Now it can be done with a few simple steps in Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or GIMP. This tutorial posted by is written for Photoshop Elements 5.0. The Orton Effect – Digital Photography Tip of the Week […]
[…] Orton effect adds a dramatic yet dreamy aura to the whole synthesis […]