Category «Computer News»

Senators don’t want 1898 tax to hit Net

From TechRepublic: “A tax originally created to pay for the Spanish-American War may not be extended to Internet connections after all. Sen. George Allen on Monday announced a bill to prevent the IRS and the Treasury Department from levying a 3 percent federal excise tax to e-mail, broadband links or voice over Internet Protocol services. …

Ethiopia plans to expand Internet access

From USA Today: “Ethiopia, one of the poorest nations on earth, will expand Internet coverage from a handful of users to the entire country in three years, the prime minister said Tuesday. Premier Meles Zenawi said information technology lay at the heart of transforming the impoverished country where millions are dependent on foreign aid.” I …

Google Feature Incorporates Satellite Maps

From Yahoo! News: “Online search engine leader Google has unveiled a new feature that will enable its users to zoom in on homes and businesses using satellite images, an advance that may raise privacy concerns as well as intensify the competitive pressures on its rivals. The satellite technology, which Google began offering late Monday at …

What Search Sites Know About You

From Wired: “For most people who spend a lot of time online, impulsively typing queries into a search engine has become second nature. Got a nasty infection in an embarrassing spot? Look up a treatment on your favorite search site. Obsessing about an ex? Try Googling his or her name. Chances are the queries will …

FAQ: Forty years of Moore’s Law

From TechRepublic: “Gordon Moore’s famous law has been around for four decades. Not bad for an idea he thought wouldn’t last. Forty years ago, Electronics Magazine asked Intel co-founder Gordon Moore to write an article summarizing the state of the electronics industry. The article outlined what became known as Moore’s Law, the observation that the …

Computers cannot heal

From InfoWorld: “As computers appeared on the public scene in the ’50s, psychologists marveled at the parallels between data-processing technology and the workings of the human mind. A handful of scientists of the day believed that the functional structure of the human mind was fully analogous to that of the computer. Considering that computers in …

Cars get into music downloading craze

From USA Today: “Searching for an answer to the music download revolution, automakers and audio suppliers are preparing a new wave of car stereos with enough built-in memory for hours of recorded music. Chevrolet will introduce an entertainment-system option on its Uplander minivan this spring that has hard-drive memory capable of storing 40 movies, 10,000 …

Google Expands Gmail Access

From PC World: “Google opened up its Gmail Web mail service to a wider scope of users this week by randomly offering, for the first time, accounts to some visitors of the main page. Until Monday, to get a Gmail account, a user had to be invited to the service by either Google or …