Real Estate / City information

Irving (of Irving’s Info Page) sent me these links:

These three links may be of interest…..for U and family and/or your readers:

Here’s a bit about each one… is the easy way to find info on thousands of US cities and towns.

Want to know the population of a town? Or its latitude and longitude? Need to find mortgage brokers licensed to do business in your city or town? Looking for a weather forecast for the next few days in your specific location? How about a map of your home town or somewhere you are about to visit?

We’ve collected and analyzed data from numerous sources to create as complete and interesting profiles of all U.S. cities as we could. We have tens of thousands of city photos not found anywhere else, hundreds of thousands of maps, satellite photos, stats about residents (race, income, ancestries, education, employment…), geographical data, state profiles, crime data, housing, businesses, birthplaces of famous people, political contributions, city government employment, weather, hospitals, schools, libraries, houses, airports, radio and TV stations, zip codes, area codes, user-submitted facts, similar cities list, comparisons to averages… If you ever need to research any city for any reason, from considering a move there to just checking where somebody you know is staying, this is the site for you.

Zillow provides a free Home Valuation Tool for Real Estate enthusiasts. Whether you’re an agent, broker, buyer of investment property or first time homebuyer – Get Your Edge in Real Estate at

Thanks Irving!

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