How to hold your digital camera – Digital Photography Tip of the Week

I hope that everyone is now shooting with straight horizons and buildings that are not falling over! If not, have a look at last week’s tip on keeping straight lines straight. Today, a tip on how to hold your camera for better photos.

The LCD screen on today’s digital cameras provides some great advantages over film cameras; review of composition, exposure and focus. But for those people who are using the LCD screen to compose their shots, it may be hampering their ability to get sharp photos.

Many people now hold their camera at arm’s length to look at the LCD screen when they are taking photos. This is not a cause for a concern when there is a lot of light as shutter speeds will be sufficiently high enough that camera shake will not be a problem. However, when the light drops a little, holding your camera like that is bound to introduce some shake. This is because when you hold your camera at arms length, it is unsupported. No matter how light your camera is, you are likely to have a little movement.

To help ensure sharp photos, use the viewfinder on your camera, not the LCD. Hold the camera with both hands and with the camera up to your eye, tuck your elbows into your sides. You have now become your own camera support. With your arms locked against your body you have stabilized your camera and reduced the possibility of camera shake while increasing the likelihood of sharp photos. If you camera does not have an viewfinder, then you have no choice but to use the LCD for composition. In this case, be sure to hold the camera with both hands, and try to keep the camera as close to your body as you can. It may still be possible for you to keep your elbows tucked into your sides while still holding the camera far enough from your eyes to properly see your screen.

Following this tip can help reduce camera shake and may improve your photography.

The digital photography tip of the week is written by the PCIN Assistant Editor, Chris Empey. Chris is a long time photographer and is currently the vice-president of the Niagara Falls Camera Club. You can see more of his photography at his Photo of the Day website.
If you have a tip to send Chris, or a question about digital photography he can address in the newsletter, send it to

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