A Free And Useful ActiveX Diagnostic Tool

The latest LangaList newsletter links to an older LangaList newsletter where there was a tip about an ActiveX diagnostic tool:

7) A Free And Useful ActiveX Diagnostic Tool

Hi Fred, [An] item came in the 27 Sep 01 issue of another newsletter that I receive — Woody’s Office Watch. I’d appreciate any comments you have on this “ActiveX Hell.” Is this something we should really be concerned about? If so, what can be done about it? Do you know of any way to list / manage these ActiveX controls? Thanks. Robert Storms

Normally, it’s hard to know what ActiveX controls are running on your system, but there’s actually a free tool that lets you see and manage your ActiveX controls: WinMag originally commissioned it years ago! It’s called the ActiveXcavator, and it can show you up to a dozen pieces of information about each control it finds. And, with a click, it lets you delete any unwanted controls!

You can read more about the current version (2.04) at http://www.cognitronix.com/xcavator.htm, or download the free file from http://img.cmpnet.com/byte/columns/frantz/1999/06/XCavate.exe

When you run it, I bet you’ll be very surprised to see just how much ActiveX stuff it finds on your PC!

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