View Thumbnails in Windows Explorer
Windows 98 added in the feature of being able to view thumbnail
previews of certain files. Below are instructions on how
to set this up.
- Right-click the folder that contains the files you would
like to preview and choose Properties. On the Properties
Window, General tab, choose the Enable Thumbnails box.
Then click OK.
- Note: In order for this step to work, you may have to
open up a new isntnace of Windows Explorer or restart
Open the folder you want to preview. From either the View
Menu, the Toolbar, or the Context Menu, change the View
method from whatever you had it (in this case Details),
to Thumbnails.
- Now, when you click on the folder, you will see small
thumbnails in the window. You will also see 2 files: desktop.ini
and Thumbs.db. Don't delete either of these as those 2
files are what makes the thumbnail view work.

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