A World Without Computers
Can you imagine a world without computers? We
see books, television documentaries, and movies of events
that happened hundreds of years ago, and all of those people
seemed to make out okay, but could you do it? No e-mail, no
internet, no chat, no newsgroups. All of these things are
done right on computers. I haven't even touched all of the
different systems which are maintained by computers. Some
people feel that we will have to be without computers for
a while as a result of the Y2K (year 2000 or millenium) problem.
Could you do it? I didn't think I could.
I am the type of person who uses their computer every day
for as many functions as I can. I use it to keep track of
personal finances, business finances, typing my journal, building
and maintaining web sites, troubleshooting conflicts, and
virtually anything else that I can do with either one of my
two computers. I got to the point where I thought I couldn't
live without it. I get a lot of e-mail messages every day
and I check for new ones as often as possible as I love getting
mail. What would life be like if I couldn't get my messages?
What would I do if I couldn't download my account balances
from my bank?
Well, I can happily announce that life does go on. I just
recently got back from my vacation up to "Cottage Country"
in central Ontario and life certainly still goes on. I spent
every morning fishing with family. We had no fancy computerized
fish finders or any other fancy gadgets. It was just a rod,
reel, and a worm. We went swimming in the lake. No heated
pools, or special pumps. In the evening we would listen to
the local radio station broadcast of the Toronto Blue Jays
game. The radio was just a simple transistor radio that ran
on batteries.
Don't start thinking that I am a big camper. I'm not! I still
had my laptop with me so that my family could play FreeCell
and Golf. I still had my portable CD player with me as well.
But the point of all this is that although computers are needed
for a lot of things, it is possible to live without them.
Sure I had a lot of e-mail messages to read when I got home.
In fact, I had 75 unwanted SPAM messages. Sure I had a lot
of work to do when I got home, but the chance to get away
from it all for just a few days was worth it. If you haven't
done it for a few days, you should give it a try. You'll be
glad you did.
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